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Xecuter 3 Bios HACKED! Runs on ANY modchip! We were sent this annonymously via e-mail. The file name is X3_hacked.rar and this is no hoax! Quote from the nfo "This Release is just a proof of Concept, that we reached after 2 X3 Config Live Screen: The following screen is used to configure BIOS options, custom boot logo colors, startup options, select and/or download new X3 skins, setup application quicklaunch functions, restore defaults, or reset with the iND-BiOS 5003 / iND-BiOS Beta Feb-11-05 (5004) Xecuter 3 3294 Xecuter 2 5035 / Xecuter 2 5035 1.6 Xecuter 2 4981 Yoshihiro's Debug BIOS Cromwell XBlast OS BIOS Features This page lists some major differences between. .
2006/06/25 2006/12/07
download SX OS 2.9.2 download SX OS 3.0.3 BETA The BETA releases come with the latest features. The STABLE releases have been in the wild for a while. Non SX Pro/Core/Lite users will need the. This has been tested with
Pack de bios xecuter3 pour les consoles xbox équipées d'une puce Xecuter3 de la Team Xecuter. Le pack contient : X3_2913.rar X3_3284.rar X3_3288_LFRAME_BETA.rar Le rétro a le vent en poupe, et ce n’est pas ce nouvel Auto-Installer Deluxe v3 (AID 3) - Torrent Link [Downloads: 2977 x] Evox M8+ BIOS [Downloads: 2501 x] tHc Autoinstaller [Downloads: 2410 x] Xecuter2 4983.67 Bios CD [Downloads: 1807 x] Xbox-Hq BIOS CD Pack v2.01 1790 x] X2 Bios Manager v2.3 Team Xecuter released a new version of Xecuter2 Bios Manager What's new/fixed: - Now Supports Evox M8 Plus & M8 Bios's hacked with EVtool - Updated bios.ini with all latest X3 Bios's and some others